How long will each online CWCOT auction last? 

Typically, they last 4 days. 

Our auction calendar shows all our upcoming auctions, as well as the option to register for an upcoming one. You can also click on any auction to see more details about it.


For CWCOT properties in the HUD First Look program, properties are available for the first 30 days they are on the market. While in the First Look period, owner-occupants may place pre-auction offers on Governmental entities and HUD-approved nonprofits may submit offers on and purchase these properties by contacting the National Community Stabilization Trust (NCST).


Select second chance CWCOT properties and REO properties located in the state of California may also be available in the California First Look programThe exclusivity period is the same as for other First Look second chance CWCOT properties, which is 30 days.

For California First Look properties, qualified buyers may place pre-auction offers using These buyers are limited to California-based owner-occupants, California-based nonprofits, governmental entities, California-based community land trusts, California-based limited equity housing co-ops, anRegents of the University of California.


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